

Posted Apr 5, 2010, 3:09 pm
Just bringing up the idea of mercenaries again. This would be a small number of NPCs you hire for one-off shots to help fill the ranks of your gang. In exchange for their exorbitant rates they expect to get put in harm's way.

As far as PvP, this would allow an attacking player a few extra people that he can put at much greater risk, thus giving him less reason not to attack. It would also allow for people to use them for escort duty for convoys, allowing them more leeway to fend off an attack.

All in all, I think this has some chance to lessen the downsides of engaging in PvP and make every hit less critical and therefore make PvP less stressful and more enjoyable.

There will of course have to be limits and such to prevent abuse, as a vet has an essentially unlimited about of money to hire mercs. For instance, a simple limitation would be that you can only use one merc for every 3 regular gangers in your squad, so that you could muster up about 1 car in 4 with a merc crew.
Kornkob The Dude

Posted Apr 5, 2010, 6:58 pm
Seems to me that one could also limit merc use through a progressive fee system: the more $ you have the more they charge.

Additionally, compounding the fee by figuring in 'hazard pay' based on how many mercs have been harmed or killed in your service would also keep a lid on 'throwing away' mercs on suicide runs.

Of course, I'd rather see mercs be 'friendly AI' during events they are used in.

Posted Apr 5, 2010, 7:52 pm
I still like the idea, yep. I don't recall the arguments for and against when we previously discussed it.. can anyone find the threads?

Posted Apr 5, 2010, 8:28 pm
Not all of them, mostly because a) MB search is very ouch, b) mercenary gets thrown around a lot, and c) MB search is very ouch.

Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread 4
Thread 5
Thread 6
Thread 7
