A warm welcome


Posted Aug 20, 2010, 12:01 pm
/ooc ID S244002

It was Burt's turn on gate guard duty and he hated it. Cars go out, cars come in. Cars go out, cars come in. Whoop-de-friggin-do!

He was just pulling another swig on the bottle of Firelight Special Brew (nobody had ever dared ask what was in it) when he heard one of the damn croaky lizard things...well..croaking in the bushes nearby.

Completely bored and more than a little drunk, he un-shouldered his rifle and stalked out after the critter, shouting back over his shoulder to his partner,
"Back in a minute, gunna get me one of them thar lizard things. They make decent eatin and that skin makes the best boots I ever seen."

Silently he edged around a dune and eased over to where he could get a decent shot.
"Ahh ####!", he whined "it's just some poor dyin' fool."

He flicked the safety back into place and hurried over to the half-dead figure, pulling out his water bottle.

The poor sod had shrapnel wounds in more than a dozen places, a couple of bullet wounds and was missing his left leg below the knee. It also looked like something had been ...chewin'...on him.

"Rough day bud?", he asked.

John "Johnny" Johnson opened the one eye not glued shut with his blood and croaked
"You shoulda seen the other guy!"

"Really? If he looks worse than you dude I'd love to."

"Naw", gasped Johnny "just yankin' yer chain, his guys were fine dammit. Did manage to blow one of his BPUs to smithereens but that was about all."

Burt passed him another sip of water and asked,
"Who was it? Butane, Firelight Manhunters?"

Johnny looked up at him slightly dazed,
"No, no it was one of the gangs from town. Highway Hellraisers?"

"Hellriders", Burt corrected him "They sure have a mean streak, been around a long time and pack some real fancy gear."

Johnny nodded stiffly
"We're new to town, hell it was just our second trip out after gettin' here. Sure as hell had us outgunned. A couple of BPUs AND a damned Buzzer, all packin' car cannons and crews that could shoot the eye out of a gnat at half a mile. Gunna have to get us some ofthat fancy hardware if we stayin' round here I figger. We didn't stand much of a chance, though we gave it a go. If only we'd stuck together then maybe the V.I.N.D.I.C.A.T.O.R.S. paint rifles might have tipped the odds in our favour. Ifs and buts are worth a kick in the nuts as my old da used to say."

Burt nodded and yelled to his partner to grab some bandages and get a stretcher while he did what he could to make Johnny slightly more comfortable.

Johnny grinned at him, a gruesome sight he'd not wish on his worst enemy...well no that wasn't true...he's wished a LOT worse on them..but hey, it still wasn't pleasant.

"Something else my old da used to tell me. He said,'Son, if you ever get in a fight it doesn't matter if you win or lose, just try and hurt the other fecker so bad that he'll think twice about it in the future.'
Now we might not have hurt them bad but they sure didn't make any profit out of us. Peachy and Lucky woulda wanted it that way too.
We may have crap for gear but we look after it and know how to use it and every one of our gangers will go down with his ship.
If there's only a single bullet left in the breech and they're threatening us with a damned Buzzer....every one of us will fire that last bullet and see them in hell."

Burt looked up as the stretcher arrived,
"Ernie, I think this one may just make it, he's meaner than a damn rattler!"

"You reckon Burt? He don't look much more than mince to me."

They both looked round startled as Johnny started to wheeze and gasp.

"Is he dyin' Burt?

"Naw, I think he's...laughin' Ernie!"

Johhny looked up at them,
"Burt and Ernie....seriously? I crawl out of the wasteland, full of metal, leaving half my blood in the sand. I dragged the leg they blew off with me and used it as bait to decoy the wolves long enough to shoot em. Only to end up rescued by Burt and Ernie?
Just shoot me now....please!"

Burt and Ernie stared at each other and shrugged before rolling Johnny onto the stretcher and carrying him through the gates.

Folks were gettin' stranger by the day round here.

Posted Aug 23, 2010, 11:21 pm
/ooc nicely written

Posted Aug 23, 2010, 11:38 pm
/ooc yep B)

Posted Aug 23, 2010, 11:49 pm
/ooc thanks guys...I'll get some more up soon....been lazy about it so far but enjoy writing stuff :D

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 4:25 pm
On the bar table, the leader of the Hellriders is taking a couple of notes, reading...

"For future PvP, Remember following...
1. Buzzers are cr ineffective
2. Bring some form of ballistics to chase those rats out
3. Use actual tactics, and
4. Do not have mercy, there are to many fanatics around...
Side note, do not split the squad..."

Happy with her notes, she goes back to drinking.

Nicely written indeed... and I'm still going to say you are the most dangerous people I've ever faced in PvP, your reckless disregard for your gangers lives were a sight to behold... really, it took me by so much surprise I almost lost :)

As a side note, if I knew you were all newer people I wouldn't have attacked, I was attacking everyone that day, didn't even to bother to check anything aside from the squad CR

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 6:15 pm
/ooc All part of the fun...and your PvP tips look spot on B)

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 6:37 pm
/occ It's not really tips, its a list of stuff I did wrong :rolleyes:

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 6:47 pm
/ooc You did come on a bit gung ho! ;)

You had the advantage in terms of equipment (other than Tinkers paint rifles) and were overconfident so just rushed us. Without the paint rifles it would have been over much sooner and you'd have taken less damage.

Unfortunately I can't see you doing it again, you'll play it sensible :p

It's also a big advantage when one side consists of a single player as opposed to the 4 players the other side had...coordinating an attack when you are in control of everything yourself is better. It also means you can set up for PvP rather than NPC hunting...which can be quite different.

Still...it was good fun...and that's half the game...well, more like 80% :p

Posted Aug 31, 2010, 7:53 pm
/occ My squads are almost always setup to handle both, want to know how, never use rear weapons for primary, never, and you'll be fine, its not like I had paint... didn't think that far ahead :p.

Posted Sep 8, 2010, 11:44 pm
'The Mummy' drags herself into the bar on a modified shopping trolley using a mop handle for propulsion like some archaic gondolier...

The normal buzz of the place oozes to a snore as the patrons start murmuring to each other about an ill-fated tale that although recent had grown into mythological proportions...

The place had long ago been fitted with ramp access for the plethora of cripples that found Gateway to be a portal to their own private hell but this once proud invalid rolled in like a proud dood once stood....she had been marked for glory and blessed with a quick wit and a faster trigger finger yet her career had been forestalled after an insidious insect infested a picnic that her friend 'The Sheriff' had organized with a handful of other '10-weakers(sic)' to show her the sites of Gateway...she had felt safe with her sawn-off crammed into her belt with a few spare ammo clips....especially as she was driving a shiny new Toorak Tractor(Apache) with two of Maxxs best gunners as her own private security detail.

The other drunkards moved out of her way as she zig-zagged to the bar in the way only a sober shopping trolley could do...even the toughest bar-flies shifted tables and stools...and not because of the injection-molded plastic fly-swat she now wore on a cord of desert dried mutant leather braided from the flayed remnants of her former bodyguards...

Still sober she slurred from her fractured smile "gimmee a tab for this? Maxx pretty slow wiv da wages...." to the time-worn wench servicing the slab of bullet ridden iron that sufficed as a bar and deposited a golden fob-watch etched with the sentiments of a by-gone age on the booze rusted surface.

The place hushed from a murmur to the silence of a desert and the rhythm of the place could be captured in the tempo of the watches mechanical tears - 'tick tick tick'

"Sure...watcha drinkin" replied the bored and haggard barmaid.

<to be continued much to a self-proclaimed lords dismay...>
