
johnny go

Posted Sep 19, 2010, 10:21 pm
so i got me a flail!!!

what to do whith it?
what load outs do you guys use?
johnny go

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 7:23 am
i am thinking of useing it as an interceptor/ muskel scout,
can i getaway whith puting a 3.2Lv8 in it?

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 8:38 am
Yeh sure, just quite slowly ;)
johnny go

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 9:45 am
dam, so what size engine to get simler performance to a 4L pho?

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 10:08 am
Ive only tried a 5L once, seemed a little sluggish (maybe comparable to a 4L pho ?)

Don't listen to me too much, I always use mine with a 5Lv8

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 10:17 am
I would go by weight

My flanker Phos/Sunrises all weigh approx 3950 to 4100

Get A armour and use MMLs and RLs to skim the weigh

Toughness is "very strong" so instead of full 104 pts , consider somewhere between that and a Pho 84 pts

These are ideas , i don't run flails i admit


Posted Sep 20, 2010, 10:56 am
I use them with 5L V8's for moving small stuff en crew around Evan.

They are perfect for FL runs.
johnny go

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 11:02 am
i am thinking of muskel scouting whith it, hoping i can fit some biger guns on it, 2 mmg's maby
*Rev. V*

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 12:19 pm
How skilled do YOU think you are?
That's the question you have to ask, and only YOU can answer it for yourself.

That's an EXPENSIVE car, and to get the performance out of it that you'll need, it's going to take an EXPENSIVE engine.

Seriously, we're talking about a game pricetag that's getting kinda near one mil once you factor in the cost of adding a 5LV8 engine.....

Ya gotta ask yourself, "can I afford to replace both, and if not, how mad am I gonna be if they don't come home from a scout?"


johnny go

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 12:35 pm
hehehe :-) indead, but whats the point of leaving it in the garage to gather dust?

i am going to take it out and PLAY!!

it now has a 5lv8 a mmg, and a mml i am ready to being the pain!
*Rev. V*

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 12:47 pm
With the exception of the size of the V8, that's EXACTLY what I'm running in a bunch of my Phos....

Got space for something heavier?
If you do, I'd bump up the PDS (Pain Delivery System...heh...) a notch or two.
I'd imagine a Flail's weight will handle heavy weapon recoil a bit better than a Pho will....

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 1:32 pm
johnny go said:
hehehe :-) indead, but whats the point of leaving it in the garage to gather dust?

i am going to take it out and PLAY!!

it now has a 5lv8 a mmg, and a mml i am ready to being the pain!

I run mine just fine with a 3.2L V8, and full B armor. It's acceleration is fine, the only 'sluggish' part about these cars is they do not perform tight turns. I did run it with the above engine and 2 MMGs for a while and it handled the recoil better then any of the other muscles I've tried have. I also had it at MML/MMG + spike dropper for a while, and it's currently running MMG and RL.
johnny go

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 1:43 pm
once the crew and engine are in i have got 65 bulk total to fill with weapons and ammo

suggestions ?

maby 2 mmg's no room for reloads but i will be running it whit a partner in muscle scouts and only likely to be fighting 2 on 2, i always run away from returns :-)
*Rev. V*

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 2:15 pm
If you're using a gunner, maybe a HGG?
That thing WILL pump out the love...
A HMG at the least...a RL might be a fun thing to stick in there, if blowing things up and turtleing enemy cars sounds appealing...

Or, if you're going to use it as a chaser ONLY, think about a putting a flechette gun in, along with something more substantial.
You have to have a breach for it to really do anything (which is why you NEED the other weapon, to do the chewing), but if you hit a breach, you'll see a LOT of blue text, AND it doesn't screw up the cargo you're trying to...er...."liberate"....

I've got a Buccaneer set up like that, lots of fun, but you need to remember that you just CAN'T linefight with it.
Of course, I had fun with the Vehicle Shotgun too....heh....

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 4:23 pm
Yeah, for a trader chaser, MG/GG + Flechette Gun = World of Good Fun! The FG is so awesome it only takes one or two shots and the occupants are soupy.
I use a buccys/phoe for my trader chasers though.

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 4:40 pm
My flail runs with a 5v8, mmg and a GG... I find it a lil underpowered and would like to find a way to have 2 MMGs, but the loss of the 5v8 would hurt it... stumped.
*Rev. V*

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 4:53 pm
Maybe you should try a HGG....frees up enough space for a reload for it too.

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 7:08 pm
My Flail I run with a 5L engine (not v8) and two MMGs. Leaves enough room for a gunner and one reload for each MMG. That has worked pretty well for me as a chaser on trader hunts.
Joel Autobaun

Posted Sep 20, 2010, 7:41 pm
Flail is very versatile for loadout. Driving it takes some practice. You have to back off the hammer rolling over dunes.

3.2V8 is fine as a combat car. Can catch or run away from anything except other players.

I have a laser/GG rear and GG front in my trader chaser. 5 GG reloads and gunner. 3.2v8


Posted Sep 20, 2010, 10:33 pm
I use a 3.2 V8 with a HG and CR in the front and a mini rocket pod and mounted ram (testing for ablative armor) in the rear. It works like a mini Apache.

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 12:09 am
Herms said:
and mounted ram (testing for ablative armor) in the rear. It works like a mini Apache.

That "ablative armor" idea is interesting... I would be curiou to know how well that works. 

I can imagine a trash truck with MoRams on all 4 sides... lol.
johnny go

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 9:58 pm
just lost it in a travel encounter :-(

why do i play this game?

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 10:32 pm
Probably because it is challenging. Even with uber gear, killer gangers and map knowledge, it periodically reminds you that your little gangers are not superhuman.

And they can die.

And THAT sir, adds to the depth of the game.
Deathangels Shadow

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 10:40 pm
theHumungous said:
Probably because it is challenging. Even with uber gear, killer gangers and map knowledge, it periodically reminds you that your little gangers are not superhuman.

And they can die.

And THAT sir, adds to the depth of the game.

This is also the reason you will eventually quit.  ;-)

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 10:44 pm
Or at least go off in a sulk for a few days. Yeah, done that a couple of times :)

Posted Sep 21, 2010, 10:44 pm
Hahaha. Or stay in Somerset. lol.

and still die.

then quit.


Posted Sep 21, 2010, 11:05 pm
Yeah I've "Taken a break" on this game for a couple of weeks at a time when I've suffered bad losses. But I always seem to come back.
johnny go

Posted Sep 22, 2010, 8:01 am
no game has ever pissed me off as much as this one has, but then know other game has ever bean quite so involving, existing or addictive ether :-)
*Rev. V*

Posted Sep 22, 2010, 12:39 pm
Yes, I know the feeling....

It's E-crack....
Crazy AL

Posted Sep 22, 2010, 4:09 pm
johnny go said:
just lost it in a travel encounter :-(

why do i play this game?

Because its fun and challenging. It wouldn't be AS fun if it weren't so challenging. When you get so invested that you forget that ultimately, the quality of your REAL life doesn't really suffer when you lose a car or a ganger dies, you will enjoy the game even more in a slightly different way.

Recently, I had a return scout in BL where my path took me through the oncoming opponents to get to the gates. My Trash Truck caught fire during the fight with a freak bottom armor shot and slowly grew until I had to stop and try and get my guys out. Unfortunately, by the time I got it stopped, 3 gangers were unconscious and couldn't get out and the one I did get out was too close when it blew.

1xCC, 3xHMGs, 1xHGG, 2xHeavy Rockets make quite a big boom. I lost my best large gunner, a gunner with over 100 in both Lg Guns and Gunner, an over 100 handgunner and two Lg Gunners at around 80. Frustrated? Yes. My response: I took a deep breath and immediately went and got replacements and worked through my loot. If DW went down today, what would you REALLY lose? Your time investment only.

For me, if I wasn't investing time in this game, it would be another game. I find this attitude, cultivated through over 25 years of "computer" games serves me well and keeps my stress level down. Hope this helps.
