Global Fame?, Somewhat confused


Posted Oct 16, 2010, 12:53 am
Day before pay day, and again my gang is Globally Renowned and this holds on till day after pay day before dropping back to Well known. Had a day with only 6 active events, and a few travels, 2 group scouts, 1 travel where ferrying some gangers from SS to GW, with small ped shoot out , 1 league race (1st place) 1 Race (1st place) 1 Deathrace (1st and 2nd place) Finished 3 car escort Mission from BL to Elms (taking up 9+ gang members for 3 days) and drop off of 300+ bulk courier mission. Also ferried stuff around for another player gang.

In one town where I have been active several days in a row, I had no activity yesterday.

I don't understand why my global fame drops after a day like this. My success to attempts ratio is perfect. 100% win, over a variety of events.


Posted Oct 16, 2010, 4:03 am
Is this just the decay by 20% at the beginning of each week?

Posted Oct 16, 2010, 7:47 am
Maybe. :rolleyes: Its more like inflation at the end of the week rather than decay.

Before the Rep/fame system change, these things came into effect at same time as payroll. Has this changed?
