Slaver gangs, I'm not sure this works


Posted Sep 10, 2011, 9:26 pm
Simply put, slaver gangs in scavenger seem... almost a bit to tough, there is no way to outrun them in rentals, they spawn with almost twice your number of cars and their gangers shoot way better than you possibly could.

I dont know, on one hand it's supposed to be hard on the other hand beating them in rentals is nigh impossible, and because of the lack of scouts you'll get them on pretty much every scout when you are in town, currently it's the eviscerators and they are the 3rd highest fame gang in the game right now.

But the thing that's the biggest issue is that you get thrown in the gladiator arena, now normally you'd fight and get out of there, maybe get a ride home but it's impossible in scavenger as it stands.

So, any ganger sent to the arena might as well be dead, I've got half my gang in there right now and I know some others, rokkitz for example, who have the same problem.

So I dont really know what to think, but it's a bit of an issue.
Groove Champion

Posted Sep 10, 2011, 10:06 pm
I don't think civs and merchants will be the strongest factions in Scavenger... I am certainly considering such things presently.

Posted Sep 10, 2011, 11:43 pm
I don't mind a tough fight with slavers in SS, but it would be great if you didn't get send to the pit when loosing to them in SS.

After all of my gang ended in FL, i thought a lot about this, and  perhaps a work around would be a rental version of a travel car available in all towns, which wouldn't take up your scout rental slot, would still be a pain in the arse to get all your guys back to a safe zone.

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 12:06 am
Or really, just ditch the whole sending people to firelight for scavengers, that works to.

The slaver fights are okay taken on their own, it's the fact that you cant surrender at all that breaks it a bit.
Groove Champion

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 12:24 am
I thought this was hardcore mode... B) :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 12:34 am
FireFly said:
Or really, just ditch the whole sending people to firelight for scavengers, that works to.

The slaver fights are okay taken on their own, it's the fact that you cant surrender at all that breaks it a bit.

Just give them a "free" ride home.  They're scavengers, surely they can hide on the underside of Metros bus and find their way home.

In all seriousness, if they get captured, then live through the arena, it seems no big deal to let them get back for free.  Might give them a few days travel.  What is it 4 days or so to SS from FL?  Might also consider a red encounter on the way back. 

How about this.  Takes a week for them to make their way back from FL to SS, they get a ped encounter (or two?  maybe too tough though).  And then they show up on your doorstep really pissed off and ready to get back at it.  That would allow "hardcore" flavor and a way to get them back as well.

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 12:39 am
That works to JS, although I think the ped encounters are to much given you dont have the handgun ammo for that in firelight, and being given free handguns would be strange.

That would work to, survive the arena and a free ride back to SS, it's just the whole having 7/10 gangers stuck there is biting my nerves...

I was not very lucky this weekend :)

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 1:24 am
hrm, so far we've beat them on every scout I've been on with them... even the returns. We just used tactics.

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 1:54 am
You know what I said about luck?

First one I saw you do against the eviscerators was a 4v5 and the enemy was "Ambushing" you, meaning their force was split up and 3/5 were stuck by the bridge for most of the battle... The strategy I saw employed was "Beat up the weaker ones first, including that bomber!"

But I know you are a good player, what I'm saying here is that luck does play part, it's a bit different when it's a 3vs5 and they are not stuck somewhere.

Speaking of luck... down to 1 ss guy now, man those scarabs are fast :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 2:49 am
Just allow Scab peds to ride in non-Scab vehicles like Metro's bus. They couldn't pay of course, so call it hitchhiking :)

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 3:02 am
Juris said:
Just allow Scab peds to ride in non-Scab vehicles like Metro's bus.  They couldn't pay of course, so call it hitchhiking :)
Attach wagons to the back of their cars  :cyclops:

Posted Sep 11, 2011, 6:32 am
Based purely on my own experience I don't agree with the Slavers being too tough comment, have had 6 scouts against them so far all to the good, in fact the Desert Hyenas have been fielding better gear from what I have seen and heard.

I would agree that the Gladiator thing is a bit of an issue, the free ride home if you escape seems like a reasonable option, or perhaps overall for the better would be an option to disown them so you can remove them from your roster (at the price of a morale hit).


Posted Sep 11, 2011, 11:16 am
I just fired my gladiatiors.. My gang is now down to 4 of which 2 are travelling.

I am a bit broken in this matter. I kinda like the slaver idea.. it is hardcore, dont lose to slavers!

But I agree.. if gladiator = dead ganger there is not much point in having it since we wont play the pit events. I cannot even guess how we will make the transition to GW, and even less so for how a supply line to FL will be set up...

Posted Sep 12, 2011, 3:28 pm
I was looking in the forum for an answer to this question - do the ones in the glad arena take food and water? Or is it supplied?

The Char page makes it look like I have to supply food & water, but my food and water is in SS.

If they were raw, I'd just dump them, but one of the ones I have down there is a 38 mech (he was a 31 or 32 when I hired him), so I hate to lose him, even if it's 6 months or a year before I get him back where I can use him. But if he's "as good as dead" there AND it's costing me food & water...


Posted Sep 12, 2011, 3:33 pm
This will call for another community effort. Rally all scavvies to build a travel route from FL!

Well, lets start with 4sakens idea of getting water from Elms.. First things first and all that.

Its weird, but I think that both PvP and cooperative playing will benefit from the hardcore mode. Liking it.

Posted Sep 12, 2011, 4:44 pm
Heres A thought...move the Gladiator location...

Instead of going all the way to FL.. They go to a Glad Camp around each town...maybe have to walk home once freed

Posted Sep 12, 2011, 8:39 pm
Or have them join the Slavers! <wipes away a nostalgic tear for all the wonderful turncoat hunts we used to have>

Posted Sep 12, 2011, 8:51 pm
So what about the question I had... Is the SS food/water used for them? I'm going to be cutting it close anyway... :)

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:39 am
*jimmylogan* said:
So what about the question I had... Is the SS food/water used for them? I'm going to be cutting it close anyway... :)

In regular DW I'm pretty sure Sam said they don't cost salaries, and food and water.

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 9:48 am
*jimmylogan* said:
So what about the question I had... Is the SS food/water used for them? I'm going to be cutting it close anyway... :)

I should probably explain here: in fact, the town that your food and water is in is, currently, irrelevant when it comes to the weekly update. It takes your stuff from SS first, then Elms, GW, BL, TX, SF, Morgan, FL, and finally SV

This isn't very realistic of course and could be changed later but it was a much simpler way to write the code. And maybe it gives Scavs a break from micromanaging so much..?

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 9:49 am
In response to the question about characters in the Pit: you don't feed them, the Slavers do. They have to live on rusty water and rat tails, though.

I have updated the Characters list so it tells you the food/water you need only for those *not* in the Pit.

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 9:59 am
Someone also mentioned lack of ammo being a problem in the Pit: as far as I recall, if you enter a gladiator event with no weapon at all, you get supplied with one (with ammo). This could be a way to get around the problem?

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 10:09 am
Just another idea I had: what about if characters who are currently in the Pit don't count towards your limit of 3, when deciding if you can get a 'free hire'?

I'm also now raising the limit of 3, to 6.
*Urban Decay*

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 10:36 am
I say for getting them back from FL, double the amount of wins needed, let them keep a random ped gun as a trophy, with ammo, and give them 1 or 2 ped fights per town on the way back.

Odds are they will die horribly, but if you mange to get back, you will have gained some nice handgun points, as well as a free gun.

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 11:46 am
*sam* said:
Just another idea I had: what about if characters who are currently in the Pit don't count towards your limit of 3, when deciding if you can get a 'free hire'?

I'm also now raising the limit of 3, to 6.
I very much prefeer just having some way to get out of firelight once you've ran the arena gauntlet...

Otherwise someone might end up with 20 gangers in the arena and no way of getting them out of there.

Is it impossible to just let them warp back to SS the way they warp to FL, at least until some form of supply lines are up, I think this would be a better suluion than, well, having them stuck there for months or walking home for weeks, either way, in my case I cant play  :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 11:59 am
FireFly said:

Is it impossible to just let them warp back to SS the way they warp to FL, at least until some form of supply lines are up, I think this would be a better suluion than, well, having them stuck there for months or walking home for weeks, either way, in my case I cant play  :rolleyes:

Not impossible, of course, but I don't think it's necessary.
If you can't get them home, fire them. Within a few weeks of play I think some Scav gangs will be strong enough to run a taxi service.

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:01 pm
*sam* said:
FireFly said:

Is it impossible to just let them warp back to SS the way they warp to FL, at least until some form of supply lines are up, I think this would be a better suluion than, well, having them stuck there for months or walking home for weeks, either way, in my case I cant play  :rolleyes:

Not impossible, of course, but I don't think it's necessary.
If you can't get them home, fire them. Within a few weeks of play I think some Scav gangs will be strong enough to run a taxi service.

Oh well  :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:07 pm
Just another idea I had: what about if characters who are currently in the Pit don't count towards your limit of 3, when deciding if you can get a 'free hire'?

I'm also now raising the limit of 3, to 6.
Then please go for that  :)

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:08 pm
FireFly said:
Just another idea I had: what about if characters who are currently in the Pit don't count towards your limit of 3, when deciding if you can get a 'free hire'?

I'm also now raising the limit of 3, to 6.
Then please go for that  :)

Did already  :cyclops:

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:14 pm
*sam* said:
FireFly said:
Just another idea I had: what about if characters who are currently in the Pit don't count towards your limit of 3, when deciding if you can get a 'free hire'?

I'm also now raising the limit of 3, to 6.
Then please go for that  :)

Did already  :cyclops:
I could only hire 3 before the limit kicked in, not six :/

Posted Sep 13, 2011, 12:16 pm
*sam* said:
I have updated the Characters list so it tells you the food/water you need only for those *not* in the Pit.

Thank you Sam.

Posted Sep 21, 2011, 6:48 am
ok... Umm.. perhaps it's just me... where are you running into these slavers? How d you get'm... are they good loots.. I know it's totally off topic but... Even a PM to inform me would be appreciated... cause I have yet to make it to the pits (I usually just die) but I think getting a "stab" in would be.. cute.. ;)

Posted Sep 21, 2011, 7:54 am
Fairly sure they roll in periodically in each town then leave for the next.
I assume it works the same in Scavenging.

Posted Sep 21, 2011, 8:48 am
there was tons of them in SS 2 weeks ago

Posted Sep 21, 2011, 10:50 am
Just about everywhere right now it seems.

Posted Sep 21, 2011, 12:59 pm
Like - right now - Butane is in SS.
Expect them to kill you. Or Slave you.
Even when you go looking for other gangs.
