Somerset Deathrace League

john nada

Posted Dec 24, 2012, 12:29 am
Somerset Deathrace League: 2065


One of Evan`s major leagues, established in 2039. Runs from May to August each year.
Sponsored By: OldMa`s Pies

Well, obviously it doesn't really run May to August, since I was just in an event for it today.

Is there a way to tell what its real start/end is?

Posted Dec 24, 2012, 12:42 am
The dates are game time, not real time. Sort of confusing for me as well.

Go to Events, Current Leagues, and you'll see a chart that shows all leagues as well as their start/end times on a graphic "bar scale". Below the graphic is a list of all leagues, and their status.

When you view the page for a specific league, it should show a list of all completed events as well as any upcoming events for that league season, as well as the overall placement of all participants. Oddly, when I view the SDL page, the only event I see on the list is the most recently completed one.

If you view the page for the Northern Summer League for example, you'll see the full list of all events from that league. The first one began on 2012-12-07 22:00:00 and the final event will occur on 2012-12-29 10:00:00 server times.

Posted Dec 24, 2012, 1:08 am
Technically today is "sometime in August, 2065" and will be all week. Each realtime week (thursday to wednsday in central US) is a DW month.

But it would be nice if the event year picture had a "real date" listing in addition to game months to compare the event times more convieniently.
