Why cops don't deserve respect, trained to lie or is it natural?

Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 7:47 am

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 8:51 am
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 9:10 am
I'm sorry, I meant police in the USA, not all police. The "good" guys don't stay on the force long, cause they don't get along with the corruption.

I was abused by the police so i know first hand.

I wasn't trolling, I've been asked many times why i have the views I do and this is an answer to that, in general discussion, where it belongs.
*goat starer*

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 1:37 pm

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 8:19 pm
f the police

Posted Feb 8, 2014, 9:56 pm
I worked with numerous police from multiple agencies for a number of years when I worked in counter terror. I lost all respect for police during that time.

Someone who is a good person out of uniform turns into the worst kind of person while IN uniform. And lousy ppl just end up worse.

They are a force trained to oppress the US population and protect government interests from the American ppl. They ignore the law, force entry into homes abd search without warrents using lies and trickery.

Or maybe im just red flagged due to my prior line if work. With the secret database of flagged people, who knows.

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 7:51 am
Control with force or control with fear, either way we are under control.
Its not just the cops its the policies of the NWO.
we as a world community are under attack for our values, religion, wealth, race, gender, age......
All of us know how to take down a force grater than our own. 3Ds Divide, Demoralize, Disarm = Domination

Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:37 am
I think it's more a case of freedom being an illusion thats fading. It was nice when we used to have peace officers, but we don't anymore. Especially since supreme court said cops aren't obligated to protect anyone. What we have now are law enforcement officer. What amazes me is that people don't think there is a difference. A peace officer keeps the peace, handles minor disputes, and responds when someone calls for help. A law enforcement officer doesn't come when theres a threat of violence, they dont want attacked, they do not handle minor disputes and don't care about keeping the peace. A law enforcement officer scrutinizes everyone to find anyone violating anything, and they usually have a quota of tickets to hand out each month.

This is what the drug war has done for us. It's not a war against drugs because the agencies are who import the drugs, or give freedom to cartels to import them... remember oliver north or the fast and furious scandal? It's a war against the public. People talk about the possibility of a civil uprising in america, but the war has already started.

I remember being in court and telling the judge that there were drugs all over the jails, and the judge got cross and said, "no there aren't". and every lawyer and probation officer in the courtroom said "yes there are". And now the fbi is investigating this statewide and found that 75 to 80 percent of corrections officers (in maryland they are usually also sheriff's dept deputies) are either gang members or assist gang members. In the baltimore jail it was found that the Black Gorilla Family was running the jail. The incarcerated inmates making thousands a week selling cell phones and drugs the guards smuggled in for their bro's. The gangs leader, while incarcerated, got 4 female guards pregnant with a total of 5 babies. When I was locked up some guards had to wear nylon sleeves to cover up their gang tattoos. Bloods, Crips, MS-13, and the Aryan Brotherhood are everywhere in the USA

This is why gangs actually view going to jail as graduation, once in jail they can do everything they could on the outside, but now with police protection.

The good news is that across the nation, things are starting to change.


peace out
*goat starer*

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 11:18 am
I didnt know gang culture was that prevalent in lunatic asylums

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 4:47 pm
That's why there privitizing prisons around the nation! No oversight comity to stop them. Our 3 fed lock downs are totally corrupted with sex scanedls and cellphones even a drug ring tied to Mexico cartells.

The cops are killing more than the gangs now inner city and 3 are up on murder charges and 2 for rape 3 for gun sales to fellon 2 for having prisoners living in there home 16 for drugs this is including cheafs of police.

This is a war but were not gaining any ground using system of law to fix the law system.

And it's so much bigger than local bad cop thought you of all people would know this. Or are you only wanting to point to one division of the opreeors forces.
*Jagged Monkey*

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 5:12 pm
Our education system sucks.

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 9:22 pm
Boon is partly dyslexic. So am I. Also neither of us were able to learn using the Rote (Roate?) System of memorization. Also our family has Autistic genes though the Autisim rarely manifests as anything more than a LD (though my son is high-function autistic).

Its not the education system.

Boon graduated a year early and then went to college. Ha also has an IQ in the low end of the Genius spectrum (beating me by something like 5 or 9 points or something... I forget the actual scores difference between us).

I blame it on Phonics and on the poluted environment damaging the memorization centers of the brain. Out food and water all contain tranqilizers and drugs used in chemical-lobotomy. Most people are unaware of this. The rich know it. Which is why you see news stories about how brain damage from Floride only happebs if exposed to desel particulates and fumes. This reassures the privilaged that their children are safe since they dont live around farm equipment or near shipping lanes.

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 9:38 pm
1/2 of 1% of all police are bad. With 794,300 police officers in the U.S., that makes about 3,972 that are bad. Line that up with any other job in the world, and thats pretty good.

I didnt watch all of the videos, but the few I saw it appears that alot may have a second part to the story that the reader does not see. Also, it appears that the author of the video really had to search for "good" footage, the Wendy's drive thru video appears to have cars from the 70s driving thru the drive thru. But like I said, I didnt watch the whole thing.

Seeing that the author is what appears to be a sovereign nation motorcycle club, I chose not to waste any more time.

But hey, its the internet, did you know I was a french model?

*goat starer*

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 9:51 pm
Longo said:
1/2 of 1% of all police are bad. With 794,300 police officers in the U.S., that makes about 3,972 that are bad. Line that up with any other job in the world, and thats pretty good.

I didnt watch all of the videos, but the few I saw it appears that alot may have a second part to the story that the reader does not see. Also, it appears that the author of the video really had to search for "good" footage, the Wendy's drive thru video appears to have cars from the 70s driving thru the drive thru. But like I said, I didnt watch the whole thing.

Seeing that the author is what appears to be a sovereign nation motorcycle club, I chose not to waste any more time.

But hey, its the internet, did you know I was a french model?

and a very nice looking one too!  :cyclops:

but thanks for being not only a beautiful gallic sex bomb but also the voice of reason

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:04 pm
Our education system sucks

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:05 pm
Although I will admit to being happy to have the old Juan back! You go, baby!

Every group needs one conspiracy theorist. And I do mean one.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:16 pm
This is neither conspiracy nor theory.

so heres a NBC news clip, unedited, 75 to 80 percent corrections officers corrupt.


You can stick your head in the sand all you want, but thats how it got this bad
*goat starer*

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:36 pm
in the sand definitely beats having it firmly planted up your own arse

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:47 pm
Juan -

Although corrections is part of the criminal justice system, they are peace officers, not police officers. So what does your recent link post have to do with the original topic?

What do you do for a living Juan?

By your own admissions, you have been in Jail for significant periods of time? Were you wrongly accused like the lead actor in so many silly Hollywood B movies?

What has generated this post? Are you upset with yourself for being punished in the past by the criminal justice system for wrongdoings you felt should go unpunished?

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:51 pm
goat starer said:
Longo said:
1/2 of 1% of all police are bad. With 794,300 police officers in the U.S., that makes about 3,972 that are bad. Line that up with any other job in the world, and thats pretty good.

I didnt watch all of the videos, but the few I saw it appears that alot may have a second part to the story that the reader does not see. Also, it appears that the author of the video really had to search for "good" footage, the Wendy's drive thru video appears to have cars from the 70s driving thru the drive thru. But like I said, I didnt watch the whole thing.

Seeing that the author is what appears to be a sovereign nation motorcycle club, I chose not to waste any more time.

But hey, its the internet, did you know I was a french model?

and a very nice looking one too!  :cyclops:

but thanks for being not only a beautiful gallic sex bomb but also the voice of reason

And thanks for the compliments goat! haha

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 10:54 pm
I agree with you on this one Grimm. But we are still free compared to some. When the bubble bursts and the new ruling order takes over we will see what a police state really is. Not long now, don't worry. Rich mans pawn to rich mans toilet paper.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 9, 2014, 11:55 pm
Longo said:
Juan -

Although corrections is part of the criminal justice system, they are peace officers, not police officers. So what does your recent link post have to do with the original topic?

What do you do for a living Juan?

By your own admissions, you have been in Jail for significant periods of time? Were you wrongly accused like the lead actor in so many silly Hollywood B movies?

What has generated this post? Are you upset with yourself for being punished in the past by the criminal justice system for wrongdoings you felt should go unpunished?

I have explained why, try reading instead of skimming. Just like you obviously missed the text at the begining of the movie which stated there was no problem finding footage, most was left out because internet users have trouble with attention span (like skimming instead of actually reading)

In the state of maryland, as previously stated as well, Corrections officers are deputies and sergeants in the county police dept, that makes them cops, who can arrest people on the street, a mere guard can not.

What did I do? driving without a license, assaulting an officer, hit and run, malicious destruction of private property. In addition to that I was under investigation by the FBI for 25 years for gun running, manufacture and distribution of explosives, manufacture and distribution of toll fraud devices, impersonating a cia agent, having a fake cia ID and fake FFL. I was not charged with the federal crimes because most of them i did not do, another person had committed identity theft on me and I pointed the feds in the right direction. The 2 things I was guilty of were making a smoke bomb from saltpetre and sugar, and making and selling a few red boxes which i stopped once the cia came and confiscated my inventory. But due to the investigations and maryland policy of employers doing background checks, no one would hire me. I am on permanent disability for 5 different issues. And right now there are no jobs i can work with my disabilities which will hire me because of the background check. such as target or staples warehouse, or first data.

Being in jail for 8 months is not a long time. During which, I turned in guards for smuggling drugs.

Oh and I almost forgot. Once I got out, local police and guards were indited on gang and drug smuggling charges, which led a paper trail to the baltimore jail. then shortly after that, the local circuit court judge (Boone) got arrested for drinking and driving, while heading to a AA meeting to meet with the alcoholics he was sponsoring. Yet this judge is still allowed to sit on the bench.

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 12:03 am
You have quite a resume.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 12:11 am
most charges against me, i was cleared of. The assault i was charged with was for slapping a retired parole secretary, which i got probation for. while on probation I got stopped and searched against my rights and they found a tiny bit of weed on me, I served 18 months for violation and 2 months for possession, to be served concurrently. I was let out early (after serving only 8 months) because i completed the JSAP program and got off probation early because I was a model citizen. I don't do drugs anymore. weed is not a drug and will be legal in maryland by the end of the year. I use it to treat vision impairment so I can see.

typical response for people who either want to hide the truth, or are in denial of it, is to attack the messenger not the message.
*goat starer*

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 12:46 am
Longo said:
You have quite a resume.

I find the idea that someone committed identity theft on our resident identity challenged self impersonator delightfully ironic. Shame it's probably not true. If it were it would be hilarious.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 1:34 am
It was my father. he was buying assault weapons in WV and selling them to cops in DC to plant on unarmed people they shot. When he got arrested is when the DC police went through a reform.

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 1:40 am
If a person holds no moral value or thinks they are better than another things will happen that offend the moral standings of the viewer.

Take a look for some of the videos of home invasions from Boston. The first thing they do is beat down the guy at the door and shoot there dogs with out no announcement of who or why.


Posted Feb 10, 2014, 3:20 am
I was reading about some RICO cases a few weeks ago. I was amused at how many police departments have been declared Criminal Organizations and either disbanded entirely or nearly cleared out of its "officers"

LAPD was one notable one. It involved the Rampart CRASH Scandal in which something like 120 officers were found to be gang members. I think only 90 were fired and onky about 20 imprisoned. (off the top of my head)

Key West Sheriff's Department was found to be an Organized Crime family. They were smuggking drugs.

Recently here where I live in the midwest, a county sheriff was found to be the kingpin of Kansas and Missouri's largest Methamphetamine manufacturing crime organizations

In Florida a coupke years ago they found out the biggest car theft and chop shop organization was entirely run by cops. This was also linked to a "charity" supposedly to help wounded iraq/afganistan war vets but was really a money laundering operation and gambeling ring. It was also linked to the state's Lietenant Governor.

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 3:31 am
Ironicly, my cop friends, dont respect or like cops either.

(yes I still have friends on the force)
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 10, 2014, 4:23 am
StCrispin said:
LAPD was one notable one.  It involved the Rampart CRASH Scandal in which something like 120 officers were found to be gang members.  I think only 90 were fired and onky about 20 imprisoned.  (off the top of my head)

Yeah that was the basis of the shield TV series

Additional note, it's so ludicrous that they wanna wake up a judge in the middle of the night to get a warrant for someone with a joint, while on TV they advertise drugs wwhich the side effects include suicide and instant death.

Posted Feb 11, 2014, 12:26 am
Over in KC, Kansas the cops will follow u home and interrogate you, or kick in your door at 3am if you buy completely legal hydroponic gardening supplies.

Couple years ago they kicked in the door and harassed a pair of ex-CIA operatives (now married with kids) and discovered (gasp! Oh My!) That they were growing 2 Tomato plants a cucumber and some melons in the basement for a school science fair project.

They also injured one of their children.

The CIA operative couple have been sueing for a couple years now but the police keep destroying and losing their filings to avoid the expense for wrongful home invasion and profiling.

Posted Feb 11, 2014, 5:09 am
We had some good ones in little rock this year.
police vans were running pot and meth with squad car escort from Memphis.
cops called to a female assault victims home he raped her and took her to lock up for incessant in public.
cops called by girlfriend to a suspected suicidal guys home they kicked the door down and shot him in less than 9 seconds after arriving
to many unarmed people shot in the back
even a 9 year old kid at 8 pm holding a soda can.

2 more were shot last night bay cops, wouldn't seem od for a big city but population is only 400-600K if you count the metro linked towns.

*Jagged Monkey*

Posted Feb 11, 2014, 5:47 am
Did the suicidal man turn his weapon on them when they burst threw the door? Most bystanders are unarmed. Don't know what it has to do with anything.


Posted Feb 12, 2014, 3:32 am
Jagged Monkey said:
Did the suicidal man turn his weapon on them when they burst threw the door?  Most bystanders are unarmed.  Don't know what it has to do with anything. 

Report was he had a shot gun to his head and didn't respond in the 3 seconds they gave him to drop it so they shot him 6 times.

I understand there's fear but they need to give a bit mor time than 3 seconds from door down to body dropped.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 12, 2014, 2:52 pm
Or like with Mr Kaady, They shot him cause they were scared he would get blood on them, and the story is fabricated. I'm sure they had a few days to get their "facts agreed on before their report was submitted. After all the stressfulness of the incident would removes any responsibility they would have from committing perjury.

Posted Feb 12, 2014, 10:57 pm
Jagged Monkey said:
Did the suicidal man turn his weapon on them when they burst threw the door?  Most bystanders are unarmed.  Don't know what it has to do with anything. 

We had a Suicidal chick in KC get wasted by cops about 4 or 5 years ago.  She had a baseball bat so the cop blasted her.

He entered the house alone (against procedure) told family members to wait outside.  entered the room.  claimed she threatened him with the bat so he unloaded his 9MM into her.  then reloaded and fired 5 more shots into her.  He was the only person left alive in the room so there were no witnesses.

Investigators found she never left the bed.  was still under the covers.  It was questioned how the officer felt threatened when he was out of reach of the bat, and she wouldn't have been able to leave the bed at any speed capable of reaching him before he could close the door and leave.

The cop is still on the force.  the family is still seeking a wrongful death claim. 
*Jagged Monkey*

Posted Feb 13, 2014, 1:41 am
Reminds me of the Judge Dredd comic. "Citizen, suicide is against the law. Stop or I will shoot you".

Not all cops are bad. In fact I'd reckon most to be good. We tend to focus on the bad deeds and very seldom do we honor the good things they do.

Posted Feb 13, 2014, 4:54 am
Jagged Monkey said:
Reminds me of the Judge Dredd comic.  "Citizen, suicide is against the law.  Stop or I will shoot you".

Not all cops are bad.  In fact I'd reckon most to be good.  We tend to focus on the bad deeds and very seldom do we honor the good things they do. 

  This is true.  But having no system in place to remove "bad cops" we set ourselves up for the problem that started this topic. With good cops protecting the fellow badge member makes them just as bad though.

Law seldom judges the law keeper

It's only more class splitting to keep the masses subdued while out liberty is stripped away 1 fiber at a time.
Grimm Sykes

Posted Feb 13, 2014, 5:42 am
Jagged Monkey said:
Reminds me of the Judge Dredd comic.  "Citizen, suicide is against the law.  Stop or I will shoot you".

Not all cops are bad.  In fact I'd reckon most to be good.  We tend to focus on the bad deeds and very seldom do we honor the good things they do. 

They don't have time to do good things or catch rapist and murderers, they are too busy locking people up for using something that grows in the dirt, everywhere.
