VENGANCE and McSpankys Meats


Posted Feb 19, 2020, 7:22 am
leader of bl travel squad McSpankys Meats 'PLATINUM' Michael Mangold watches as the gang scouts stay home and watch a great scout lead by the "
'VENGANCE' squad and their 3 firetrucks one we even traded with them despite us having totally opposite reputations, but on this day we both wanted to kick some ass and our 6 vehicles went looking for trouble, and we found it. the silence the most famous gang of bounty hunters from badlands truckstop faction, we went for it and after using almost all of our ammo we killed 30 of the silence gangers, 32 of their vehicles vs our 6.

event s1002789

Posted Feb 19, 2020, 3:52 pm
I saw the start of that and it looked awesome

Posted Feb 19, 2020, 4:30 pm
While it was a little hairly as their ammo was running to an end, The large truck remembered his front ram and went barrelling through the enemies killing them as it made its way to the brave truck that attempted to fight a car cannon with a rifle....
