Tuskan Raiders, success, and tragedy., Report on recent vigilante action.


Posted Apr 29, 2021, 12:20 am
Tuskan Raiders situation report from GW leader to Gang leader:

Dear Debra,

I regret to inform you of the passing of one of our newest gang members.

We were scouting with Prong in Chaos Canyon, hunting the golden spider association. Many of us were shocked to discover a gunboat on its way to their hideout, with 5 escorts. Tim in the unarmed ammo support car almost panicked when we radioed that message - but he was able to hold it together, even went on his own to take out a turtled landy.

Unfortunately Michael died while taking down the gunboat, hand to hand. Yes it was on my orders that he took an assault rifle, joined the two Prong gangsters on foot and sniped, I think 2 full clips on its weakened side, but inexperience and bad luck led to him being exposed when the gunboat slipped down the hill into the valley (as planned). Unfortunately he was stunned by a close rocket blast, and could not avoid the second. By the third direct hit, he was but a crater in the sand. Are we not all just sand in the hourglass of time?

However his heroic death enabled us to take out the gunboat, but our snipers having run out of ammo, meant bringing the heavy machine gun to bear. To our dismay, once we inspected the result, we found the engine damaged beyond repair, nor could we figure out how to get the cannons off.

We successfully destroyed a significant part of the golden spiders offensive capability, but asside from claiming a couple of bounties, were unable to profit significantly from the result.

here ends the report.

Tony Strong.

Posted Apr 29, 2021, 1:06 am
Prong scout leader's call to Prong Leader.

Hey Boss, you should seen us. We were tearing up everything. That lorry was some shade of pink and purple. Cecelia was out and shooting at it from the rocks, and So was Mr. Spahn.

Those guys got lucky and killed Mikey with some rockets. Mikey is my buddy from the 'raiders.

Then, on the way home, those sadistic cannibals and monsters from the Cyber Formation wanted Mikey's body for their sick cybernetic pleasures. We rammed right through them. They didn't see that coming. Hit us with all kinds of rockets, but we were behind their lines in no time. Then we dropped nape on them to slow them down and everyone got away.

We didn't get to loot much, and we ran up a huge tab at Mezcal's. Please send money.

Posted Apr 29, 2021, 1:10 am
Hey msschhal. Mexshal. Hey. More beer!
