DFA squad "Target Practice" ambushed at the road to gateway


Posted Oct 8, 2008, 5:11 pm
No one knew the time would come when DFA's notorious head honcho, "King" Solomon Sarver, would bite the dust. Of the remaining survivors of the tragedy of Road to GW truckstop, only Seymour "Butts n'" Arsenal had the will to speak about the day the leader of DFA would fall. "Solomon will never be forgotten. He died trying to save his troops while sacrificing his own life to get us home. A true leader and also a brother in arms," said Seymour.

of the 11 that rode the infamous firetruck named "Waterproof", eight of them had managed to get back to town , while 3, including Solomon and sharpshooters Kimberly 'Quickfire' Papineau and Robert 'Point Blank' Bevers we're left dead along the road dying of starvation and wounds.
