DW:Tactical Custom Squad Combats


Posted May 29, 2009, 6:53 am
I have been discussing the concept of a slightly different approach to DW:T, and wondered whether it would appeal to others.

The concept is that you get to design your own squads and pitch them against other players in a sandbox environment.

1. The squads could be built using any vehicles you already had in DW:T (so that's ones you import from your gang, plus ones you have designed from scratch in the DW:T event editor).
2. The characters could come from a stock list.
3. The combats would be carried out by mutual agreement with another player: you challenge them, nominating a map, max CR and your squad; then they accept with their own squad. The combat starts immediately.

Posted May 29, 2009, 6:57 am
Sounds cool. Is this in addition to the way it already works, or instead of?

Not really important, just curious.


Posted May 29, 2009, 7:04 am
In addition, of course. You know I don't like throwing away stuff I have already made :rolleyes:

The way I'd describe the variations are:

1. What we have now is really a 'gamesmaster' approach, where a single person controls a scenario or series of them, and they have total control of everything in the set-up.
2. The proposed variation is more like a sandbox 'challenge' system where you're pitting your own squad designs against other players'

Posted May 29, 2009, 9:28 am
You're killing PvP!!!

Just kidding, I like the idea. I personally probably wouldn't use it though, I prefer proper PvP where dieing matters. I'm sure others would use it, for the same reason (why don't people like dieing? :P)
