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Overheard in a dark corner of the tavern....., Based on a true event: s350180
Kornkob The Dude
Urban Achievers
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You tell any of the other Achievers about this and I'll deny it and gut you later.... but the last time I ran into the Tusks, I nearly got us all killed. And that scared the hell out of me.

So I was a little drunk and went out with a guy on a little scout--- figured we'd jump just outside town, get a in little dustup and then roll back. So Mary Young of the Carbon Thieves rolled up a truck next to The Toe and we took off after a couple more beers.

It went... poorly.

5 Tusks jumped us--- couple of polts, a muscle and a couple other cars. They were way too close-- we didn't even know they were there till they had closed to 120 meters.
Right off, I knew we were in trouble. We looked for high ground and took off-- discussing if we'd be able to just run and lose em in the dunes.

But we were slippin' in the sand and just didn't have the power to pull away. I had the crew double checking the guns and dogging down the hatches. The Toe started rattling as rounds started falling near us--- them Tuskers were eager and we looked exactly like the pushovers we were.

Real fast it became clear we had to change direction---- anything to try and string em out. We weren't gonna survive 5 Tusks at once. So we juked left--- you know that ridge near the hill that Able calls 'momma's teat'? Yeah--- Mary Young was pushing that chomper of hers but it wasn't taking to the sand so well-- the Tusks were gonna catch us before we could set. Yeah-- I resigned myself to the fact that we were now gonna be dogfighting... in trucks... outnumbered..... against 5 smaller nimbler cars. So we came about and started at them.

I coulda been worse but not by much.

Again, I thought that I should have at least tried to run. But we were in it now so I got the crew lighting things up as soon as I could.

By now the Tusker Longshot had been snacking on the Carbon truck for a few seconds and we had 2 polts closing fast. In my head I picked one--- the driver had a cagey look about him so I figured he needed to go... fast. Once he was chosen I decided that whatever else happened, I was putting him down. Now-- I didn't tell anyone this-- I just decided. Because if I had said anything I'd have exposed the fact that I already knew, deep down, that we were never gonna get home. I picked that Polt to die for one reason--- because I didn't wanna die alone.

So I stepped into the cagey lookin' Polt. I stepped into him like he just dossed my sister and didn't pay the fare. I ignored the other polt and the cres that were leaning into me and had the crew pound my chosen target.

Right about then, the Carbon Theives' truck took a huge hit-- melted the right side of her truck and got some stray splatter inside. She was in a furball of her own. Honestly, at that moment, we were pretty much fighting our own fights, living in our own worlds. But I had hoped Mary would be able to bail my ass out with some freaky move or secret weapon. I saw those rockets slam her and knew she was done already.

Meanwhile we had 5 actives out there and one of them--- I had no idea where it was. But I had more pressing issues-----

I bore down on that Polt ignoring the cres's rounds and the other polt's sudden desire to ram me. I knew I needed to kill that car and maybe I could just throw my truck down the hill, build speed and run.

Mary's truck started to roll. I think everyone in the truck knew we were dead then. My gunner Eva though, just kept lining them up and squeezing off rounds and that added a little calm to the situation. Besides--- my chosen polt was almost done and the other polt just rammed me and sucked away all the speed I had built up. So we weren't going anywhere--- might as well light it up.

I gotta give it to the Carbon Thieves--- that Mary has a tight crew. They are rolling down a hill at what looks like 40 mph and she's still got her crew throwing rounds at that Longshot. In fact, I'd bet that saved us from having the LS break off from her and join the prickly assed furball I was in. But that truck was cool---- rolling down the hill ---- air blowing through the huge helmet sized holes in the armor--- and still putting the hurt on that Tusker. Gotta buy that woman some rack time with a gigolo by way of a thank you gift.

Anyway--- now I'm swapping paint with the other 3 tuskers and still wondering when that 5th is gonna show up and take a bite. Things are hairy but that Polt I picked--- the driver and gunner are screaming and I saw blood splatter out one of the viewports. And I have the gunners check the armor status, since we lost front LOS (I'm still lining up shots out the assgun) and Ava says int hat throaty contralto of hers, "we're airtight, Gabe--- gimme a target."

Abbey (you know that mech/gunner I run with?) and I make eye contact in the rear view mirror and share 'that bitch is cold' look. Then I get back to business.

I jam the wheel over and put us right on the other Polt's ass and shout, "Chew that goddam tusker up, girls!" They oblige and the whole truck is shuddering from the hard turns, recoil and and the explosions of our rounds on the Polt in front of us.

We cut into that polt's ass and I drove us right up on her. The cres was coming back up on my flank but I ignored her and stepped into the Polt hard. She got her front back around to us-- partially because of our weapons fire but I floored it and drove right at her.

Now the resulting collision rocked us hard and tore off a goodly portion of our front armor. But as I had said before, I was sure we were already cooked. After all, I had 2 cars still lighting on me and Carbon had a picture window on one side. And I still didn't know where that 5th Tusk was. We were screwed.

Now, at this point I see that the Longshot is going to dive in to put the finishing moves on the other truck and the idea of roaring down this hill and making for the horizon is entering my mind again. I figure I can force my way past the last polt, start firing the ass gun at the Cres and throw The Toe down the hill, building speed for a run down the road.

My gunners are throwing rounds into the Polt and I'm spitting rockets out the ass and flooring the accelerator. I'm putting my 'tuck tail and run' plan into action.

Then Mary radios over....

*static* "The Longshot is spinning over to my open side-- we're surrendering"

Now, at this point I can run. Yeah--- the cres is gonna be a pain and there is still that 5th car I can't account for but the 2nd polt is demoed. There's no way that LS would ever see me again if I just looked for a piece of skyline and headed for it.

It gave me pause. Mary rolled her people out on my little adventure and now was going to be at the tender mercies of the Tusk gang. I figured I owed her my best effort but I knew that effort would be futile. I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

I think Ava might be a mutie with psi, cuz right then she looked over at me and said, "Pussy! Get the #### back in there!"

That settled it.

I keyed the mic, "Carbon, this is Urban. Coming for ya. Hold fast."

I cranked the wheel as my gunners gave the polt a couple last love taps and kept the rockets spitting out the ass at the cres.

The polt started to roll and the Cres' rounds started stripping off our armor. Then I heard the thump of a CGL and spotted that 5th car--- she had rolled and was turtled up about 150 meters away from the action but still voicing a 20mm indirect fire opinion. The Polt came up on its feet and still had some spunk--- now I had 2 cars throwing rockets and a CGL firing on me. And somewhere ahead there was a longshot waiting to take a piece of me.

I floored it up that hill.

As I scrambled up that hill, the demo'ed polt tore off all our remaining right side armor. I slewed it around to hide it from her guns-- fighting the impacts of the Cres's rounds and hoping that none of the CGLs fell over that side.

Somewhere in there the ass gun went dry and Abbey reported that our ammo stores had fallen out of the truck during the recent hammering we were taking. The fact that we didn't have any doors on that side of the car didn't help.

Mary's radio was quiet--- figured she was dead---- bled out or shot up. The first demo'ed polt was dark and still and I figured I use her to cover my open side while I finished off the Longshot, avenging Mary and the rest of the Carbons before the cres and polt killed me off.

We charged and someone was screaming--- might have been me.

We slammed that longshot hard, both with guns and ramming. Then we passed her and spun around to face both the LS and the cres, which had just crested the hill. Here it was--- our explosive moment of glory before we entered the long darkness.

Then the Longshot caught fire.

The Toe is at a dead stop. The only thing between Mary and her crew and 2 angry tuskers is The Toe. Ava mumbles "#### em". The Toe lunged forward spitting rounds at that cres.

Then the Crescendo caught fire.

We turned into the Cres, pushing rounds at her just ahead of the bumper. Cost us some armor but cost her too. Then swung around to get the guns back on the 2nd polt, which was charging up the hill. Abbey and Ava gave that car everything and I think the polt was throwing the surrender just before the rounds hit. I saw Abbey smile. I don't think Ava does, but her eyes lit up.

As I sung the car around I saw Tuckers bailing out of burning cars. If I we had the time I would have love to run them down--- but that Cres still wanted to dance and we were happy to oblige. As I stomped on it, I heard Ava tell Abbey, "Make them count---we're almost dry on all guns".

Just as our rounds left, the Cres lit us up with a flamethrower, melting the last of our front armor off and damaging our front guns. The engine started to make a horrible whine. Funny how a little fire can take all the stiffness out of your spine.

But we were committed and I slewed the truck around to get us another pass at that sonofabitch.

I cleared the burned out hulk of the Longshot and the Gats opened up Ava pulled off a rocket and said 'We're winchester on rockets. 22 rounds left on gat."

I had no idea what we'd do if ran out of Gat ammo--- maybe jump out and take over another car to finish this off.

Abbey held that trigger down and I charged at the Cres and hammered them till they surrendered.

I spun off of the cres and tried to run over a loose ped when I heard the radio spark up.

"Gabe-- this is Mary. Just over the crest of this cliff is a good vantage for taking out that little car on the road"

I told her we'd be right back and drove over to the cliff.

I still wasn't sure how we'd pull this off. A dozen or so rounds for the Gat and nothing else wasn't much for an untouched turtle. I mean-- we had personal sidearms but nothing that'll open a combat car.

We took up our overlook and I edged The Toe closer and closer while Ava took over the Gat, being the better shot. Abbey tried her best to do some initial first aid--- she was unhurt but Ava and I had caught shrapnel. Nothing serious but I make it a policy to only bleed when necessary.

I'll give that bandit one thing: ballsy. Turtled, weapons facing wrong and an SUV creeping up on him and this guy is on the radio trash talkin. Well, he shut up once Ava started into him.

She carefully put every single round she had left on that car and peeled the armor off the drivers side. Just as the last bit drops to the ground, Ava leaned back in her seat. When I looked over angrily she just pointed at her ammo counter---- the gats were dry.

So I edged down the hill, careful to keep our armor facing the bandit. I came to a stop on her flank and had just started to ask Ava what she thought we should do when Abbey popped out of the car. She was cussing up a storm trying to jack rounds into her shotgun, her hands covered with blood from trying to bandage Ava and I up.

She finally got the last shell into the shotty and racked it. Pulling the stock to her should she started screaming, "Talk ####ing smack to me, ####sucking terdgobbler! Here, catch this you canker sore. And tell your whore mommie that I hope she likes the accommodations in hell!" She just kept screaming at him like that and pumping rounds into the open side of that Bandit till the guy gave up.

I never did ask the guy if it was the shotgun blasts or the stream of profanity that made him give up.

We got lucky but I nearly killed my crew and someone else's. Scared the hell out of me.

And I changed my mind.... if you ever mention this to one of the Urban Achievers, I'll sic Abbey on you.

Thanks for the beer. Later.

vet wv

Posted Feb 20, 2010, 8:32 pm Last edited Feb 21, 2010, 12:17 am by Kornkob The Dude



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Thanks, Dude. That was a good writeup to an even better scout. Well done.
vet wv

Posted Feb 21, 2010, 10:02 pm
something clever
Carbon Thieves


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Hats off to The Dude! You totally saved my noob ass on that scout!
vet wv

Posted Feb 25, 2010, 12:07 am
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