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Corvette Kill Story
Midnight Runners
Darkwind Guru



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Just got off work, took the '72 (Chevelle) down the regular streets to my house.  Two nice longshots to home.  Cruising, late night, a Corvette appears.  C5, older gentleman behind the wheel.

We pull up to a stoplight.  He revs at me.  I look over at him, look back at the road.  Green light, I take off, real slow.

Next light, he revs again.  I ignore him.  Green light.  Take off real slow.

Third light.  He gives his engine a roar.  This guy just ain't gettin' it.  I look over, gave him my best "not today pal" with the eyes.  Green light, he takes off kinda fast.  I stay stopped for a second or two, then, gave it a bit of gas, nice and slow **BAM**

Sounds like my car exploded, man, after a 12 hour shift on my feet, I don't have the energy for this tonight, pulled it over into the parking lot, pushed the car uphill next to a light post, looked everything over.  It sounded like metal grinding when I tried to turn her over.  Made a call, got picked up by a friend.

Next day, after fireball after carb fireball we sit, looking at the now dead Chevy.  Wait a sec, what's this...  The damned distributer was turned all the way to the side.  Sure enough, the timing had reset, someone didn't torque down the dizzy bolt.  Woops.

Gave it a twist and she started right up.  :cyclops:

So a kill, a Corvette, and an early morning win - and nothing the mods can do about it

And to think, that coulda been real embarrassing.

I originally wrote this in a car forum I used to frequent.  Damn mods wrote me up for street racing, deleted my post and edited the hell out of it when I reposted under a different title.  Argh, the f$%&^@ng fascists.  I'm just so angry I could write a manifesto.  Needed a place to vent.  So, it's back home with you guys.

It feels good to be home.
vet wv0,2,0

Posted Mar 21, 2012, 12:30 am Last edited Mar 21, 2012, 12:47 am by Groovelle
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