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A Routine Travel Gone Bad
Kings of Metal



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It was a beautiful sunny day when the Gateway Trucking squad set out from Kingdom of Longo headed for Gateway Truckstop.

Things were going completely according to plan until this.....

"Joey, you're coming into this turn way too hot!"
"Man, I got this. Sammy Cull tells me he always rolls through here at 80mph".
Joey took his eyes off the road just for a second, Iron Dick hit a rut, and violently flipped onto it's roof.
Before the rig had even stopped, both Charity Peterson and Hunter Solomon were outside trying to get it back onto it's wheels.
It was a valiant but futile effort as the lead Badlander from Cyber Formation crested the hill and opened up with its guns.
Both Charity and Hunter jumped back into Iron Dick and got back to their rear mounted Heavy Gatling Guns.

The armor was literally being peeled off the side by gunfire and then Iron Dick suddenly flipped onto it's wheels.
Joey was immediately on the gas but the Badlander plowed into Iron Dick and flipped it back onto its roof, this time in a couple of feet of water.
Water came pouring into the vehicle as the gunners tried desperately to find a target. The Badlander came into both guns arcs and it was torn apart in seconds, itself flipping upside down in the water.
But the Antagonist was sitting just feet away from the side of Iron Dick and was unloading volley after volley into it.
Suddenly, Iron Dick rolled onto it's wheels again. Joey gunned the gas but looked back at Charity and Hunter and said," I really want to get out of this rig".
Charity managed to get the Antagonist back into her arc and landed a volley. The Antagonists next volley wounded both gunners, Hunter decided he wanted out, and Iron Dick was surrendered to Cyber Formation.

You can check out this exciting battle plus a couple of foot squad battles in my newest video on Stronger Than Steel. Enjoy.
vet wv pvp4 marshal gwextrav

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 3:54 pm
Sir Nexus
Pole Dancers


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Watched the video....Do you have birds? Sorry about that loss!
vet wv deathrce1 pvp5 combat1 sssc ped2 northernsummer0,3,0

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 7:27 pm
Kings of Metal



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Nexus, I have a bird. Flo. He's an Amazon Parrot. 27 years old. 1 foot and 1 pound of mean! I've had him for 17 years. He likes to make noise when I'm talking to anyone, including any phone calls, or recording video. He's pretty cool.
vet wv pvp4 marshal gwextrav

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 7:38 pm
Sir Nexus
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That's awesome. I love parrots!
vet wv deathrce1 pvp5 combat1 sssc ped2 northernsummer0,3,0

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 7:53 pm
Longos Merry Men
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Damn! I have turned a buzzer at that same location hundreds of times, and have never seen that!
vet combatL1 ped1 paintladder semiprocombat ped2 wv pvp4 pvp1 gwped paintball pvp3 pvp5 slay2013 marshal circuit2 combat1 e2g raceL1 gwextrav gateautumn pvp2 triangle1

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 11:16 pm
*Synyster Gates*
Sleeper Cell N7

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For future reference, when the recording starts coming out of sync, pause it and hit the "Jump" button. It does a sort of soft reset and puts things back the way they should be, at least for a little while.

P.S. If I were you, I would've kept firing those HGGs as a recoil boost, probably would've had you out of the event with the Badlander.
vet wv deathrceL1 santa2 paintladder marshal ped1

Posted Feb 14, 2020, 11:31 pm
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