Somerset Arena Community Comment
No pain, no gain. The best prizes are given here, but also some of the most terrible deaths. Only the most fearless desert fighters dare enter here.

Arena combat is very different from the other deathsports - you can`t outrun the fighting here. Come heavily armed and armoured, or dont come at all.

You`re judged on the amount of damage you do to the other team, minus a penalty for damage to teammates, so its important to put as many bullets as possible in your enemies while trying not to hit any of your allies that drive into the crossfire.

Try to think about where everything is going to be in the next few seconds so that you always have a plan. Keep a loaded weapon pointed at the target and keep your thickest armour pointed toward the biggest threat, and never let yourself get caught out in the open surrounded by people gunning for you.

Watch out for things that will get between you and your target and try not to waste shots that won`t hit - or will hit an ally. Switch targets whenever you need to, and never stop racking up as much damage as you can toward your score.

And when you can`t do anything more, get out fast. Don`t hang around when you know you can`t earn any more points, or else you get yourself killed and inflate someone else`s score. Any fool can die for his glory - the trick is to make some other fool die for yours.

Note that community comments are supplied by the game's community and are the opinion of the contributors rather than being established 'facts'.


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